Start Automating Your Business
We offer you to control all parts of your business, whether from machines or employees, through our experience and creativity in an automated way.
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Our Services


We provide the industrial control and mining system in a specialized way and completely based on the standard to control and monitor the production line, especially tiles, ceramics and steel.

Production Line Logger Sys.

Our production information collection system can greatly help managers in their decision making.

Launch and overhaul

We fully master the technology of the tile and ceramic industry and have the ability to set up, program and overhaul the machines of the tile and ceramic factories.

Web Applications

We are specialized in developing web applications for any aspect that our customers needs.

Mnagement Systems

We develop applications in field of factories management

Monitoring Applications

All the occurrences in your business will be monitored

About Us:

Lian Goharan

Lian Gohran Engineering Company is operating in two departments of administrative and industrial automation. In the industrial automation department, it has industrial control and monitoring systems (SCADA), production information system, intelligent soil weighing system for ceramic and cement factories, as well as the ability to start and program all kinds of production line machines. In the field of office automation, he has a lot of experience in programming all kinds of web applications for different applications. This company produces applications for its customers with the latest and most powerful technologies, including React Js, Vue Js, Php Laravel, dJango, etc., and one of the distinctive features of these softwares is the maximum use of artificial intelligence in software and algorithms. Optimized on the server side to provide incredible speed of application execution.

Request Form:


If you are founder or manager of a business you can use our services to manage you business better tha ever.

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